Thursday, October 7, 2010

7 things on day 7 {Blogtoberfest Day 7}

The lovely Mel from Paperklip has tagged me for "7 things about me"

1. I'm a music buff. I like all types of music, and hubby often has pop quizzes with me, playing a song and seeing how quick I can name the tune. 9 times out of 10 I know what it is before the lyrics start... (anything prior to before I was born doesn't count, oh and ABBA)

2. As a child I used to holiday down the south coast with my parents in a caravan. It was permanently setup at a caravan park so most weekends and for weeks during the school holidays we would head 3 hours south to our home away from home. The park we were in was full of children all the same age as me, and we would spend all day riding our bikes, swimming at the beach or lagoon or walking through the national park surrounding the caravan park. Nights would be around a fire with a BBQ for dinner almost every night and sometimes with fish/seafood caught off the rocks that day and toasted mashmellows. Still to this day I catch up with most of the kids I played with and I dream of having the exact same setup for Dean & the kids. One day.

3. None of my "real life" friends are sewers/crafty (other than this one or this one and this one of course). Blogging has opened up a world where I can talk about what I'm working on, and I get such lovely comments that makes me feel like I am talking to people who are interested and share a common love. Along with blogging, earlier this year I was asked to be part of a craft group by Kristen. I've become friends with Mel and Helen and look forward to our meetings every month, where everyone brings something different to work on (and sometimes a few kids), and we chat and eat, what's not to love? Two years ago I felt so alone in my crafty endeavours, sewing for myself with poor Dean just nodding when I kept showing him things, having no idea what I had to do to make this "thing" just "magically appear" out of fabric, where now I very much feel like part of a crafting community online and in real life. It's ace.

4. I am not a fan of reality TV. Masterchef and The Block are the only ones I can handle, but those singing/performing/following celebrities around watching them do nothing isn't my thing. How some of those people get to the try outs on the singing shows I will never know, didn't ANY of your friends tell you just how badly out of tune you are? I would if I was your friend cause it's just embarrassing to watch.

5. I like to be organised. My iPhone has my to do list, shopping list, calender, reminders, all my contacts. If it's not on my iPhone it will not get done. If I go AWOL from the face of the planet, people stop getting birthday cards and I don't turn up to appointments, you know what happened... I lost my iPhone and the backup on my laptop.

6. When I'm pregnant I get insulin dependent gestational diabetes. 7 finger prick blood tests and 3 injections of insulin a day. I'm a bundle of fun. (with tiny pin pricks all over my fingers and blue bruises over my tummy). It also means a strict diet, aka everything "fun" you want to eat is a no-no. It's all worth it in the end though.

7. I'm totally cheating with Blogtoberfest and have had days in advance of posts ready in draft mode for me to just type a little bit of extra text and hit publish. I figure this way at least I have something to say each day and on the days when I'm busy (ok, I'm totally having a nanna nap), I know I'll still have a post without a heap of effort.

That was fun (although coming up with 7 things seemed to take me AGES), thanks Mel for the tag!


Ellyn said...

interesting! Hey I had gestational diabetes too, although I did not have to have insulin, I was able to control it strictly with diet. No fun but you are right, so worth it!

Sally said...

Great to get to know you a bit more. The diabeties doesn't sound like much fun at all. Hope you're doing ok.