Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May photo a day

Now KCWC is finished (yes I still have Day 7 to photograph and blog... it's coming), I thought I'd try something different for May, so I'm taking part in Photo a Day by fat mum slim. I'm not a photographer by any means (quite obvious by my blog) but I love the idea of capturing something each day for a month.

I'll be instagram-ing mine (is that a word?), and you'll find me over here and I'll blog them in groups instead of each day. I know not to even pretend that's going to happen.

1 comment:

Ellyn said...

good for you! I thought about doing this one but knew I'd never keep up. Saw your first photo, peace, and I agree, there's nothing as peaceful as a sleeping baby! can't wait to see what else you come up with