Friday, February 22, 2008

Tomorrow I'll Do Some Work... I Promise

Isabella was at daycare today, so Liam & I managed to get a few bits and pieces done together and then silly me thought I would "drop into" Lindcraft while Liam was napping in the pram, and meters and meters of material that was 1/2 price and two pattern books on sale later and we were heading home hanging our heads in shame for buying more stuff. One of the patterns was a Burda Easy pattern for a dress which I finished off while Liam napped and then the final bias touches went on it tonight. Excuse the shonky it was taken in pretty poor light at 11pm. Tomorrow I'll do some work... I promise!

Isabella LOVED day care again today, her 5th week. We pulled into the car park to drop her off and she was "bye bye mummy"-ing me already!. When she got home she had a new song to show us, something about a Giraffe. Aunty Dani dropped by and got the whole routine as well as the one she learnt last week about two monkeys who get eaten by a crocodile. Well that is how Isabella tells the song. Sounds pretty gruesome!

After dinner we went out for a play and Isabella managed to pedal her bike properly for the first time all around the driveway. Pretty impressive. She is already talking about what she is going to do in the "big pool" tomorrow, so we're hoping she has a good swimming lesson tomorrow like she did last week.

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