Monday, September 12, 2011

Fave Foods: Orange and Almond Cake

Recipe Source: Souvlaki for the Soul

Delicious moist Orange and Almond Cake from the Souvlaki for the Soul blog, all ready for this afternoon's tea, minus the chef's mandatory taste test slice for morning tea, enjoyed with coffee while recovering from one of "those" mornings. Let's just say it involved a car, a set of keys and something being locked inside the other leaving me and two girls twiddling our thumbs waiting for Daddy to return from the city so someone could get to school. Anyone who knows me knows I loathe being late, and this morning, we were all dressed, bags packed and ready to leave 30mins before we needed to. So much for that.

Anyway, cake makes everything feel better and this is such a simple cake, with only 5 ingredients and highly recommended. Just a warning, you need to boil up the oranges in advance, so you will need to start prep in advance.


Kate said...

Y.U.M. Glad you the morning is over for you, hope the rest of the day is better.

The O's said...

and with almond meal in it it might be gluten free? Looks great. Sorry for my email adding stress to your morning. Glad you didn't leave the oranges on the boil while doing the school run!