Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A week of fun...

Afternoon tea with most of the kids Isabella starts school with next Tuesday including a swim in the pool and their picture taken (with the principal) for the local newspaper...

(Isabella is standing in the middle of the back row in the green dress. The photographer obviously hasn't worked with kids much, he had everyone besides one child smiling at once but was determined to get them all at once and by the time he got the last kid's attention they were all off in their own world one by one. Well except Bella, she wanted her photo taken for the paper!)

A swim and a picnic at the bay around the corner from home...

A trip to the city with Daddy on Australia Day for some shopping, scrumptious lunch and gelato...

And tomorrow, while Liam heads off to daycare, Isabella and I will be having our last day just the two of us and I am letting her plan the days activities and Friday we are heading to the Zoo with friends.

On the weekend while I head to the Blue Mountains, the boys are having a "boys weekend" involving sushi and hair cuts and Isabella is heading to her Grandparents until Monday afternoon, all ready for the big school starting day on Tuesday!

Then I plan on spending a few kid-free solo days in the 8 weeks before our new little girl arrives doing lots of Mummy things (and hopefully some sewing)!

1 comment:

Ellyn said...

what happy times at your house! enjoy your last free day with your girl!