I made this rug up using some Denyse Schmidt fabric from Spotlight as well as some linen and matching red homespun. An added a hand embroidered "TEA" and quilted in semi circles, all ready to be gift wrapped.
After some flickr browsing I came across some amazing "mug rugs", and I think the appeal to them is like "doll quilts" which I've also never made, it's a chance to try some different quilting skills, use up pieces of fabric, all without having a bunch of quilts laying around.
I didn't quite get them either but I had a mug rug epiphany a few months ago and now they are on my 'teachers gift making' list for Xmas pressies. One of these days I will get my head around some sewing...
very cute. Yes, that's what I have been doing, using them to learn new skills. Specifically free motion quilting.... which scares me! But on a little mug rug it's not so overwhelming!
I didn't get them either, until one day I noticed that my coffee and water mugs at work sat on an old mouse pad. The mug rug I made is a vast improvement!
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